Sunday, November 03, 2019

Should I Experiment With Homosexuality to Find Out if I'm Gay?

Absolutely not. No. Not even once. It's unnecessary, dangerous, and more likely to convince you you're gay than otherwise.

Fact: Your behavioral choices actually remap the physical and chemical structure of your brain. 

That is to say, the chemicals released in your brain during certain activities will strengthen the synaptic pathways associated with that particular activity. For example, if you want to learn to play the piano, you must practice, right? What does piano practice do in your body and brain? It strengthens the "piano-playing synaptic pathways" in your brain through repeated use. The more you practice and utilize those brain pathways, the stronger those pathways become, and the easier it gets to play the piano.

The same goes for everything else you choose to do, including sexual activities and porn use. However, because sexual activity releases such powerful chemicals (dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin), the resulting mental pathway creation happens far faster than with less-impactful activities. That means that even a small amount of sexual pleasure associated with homosexual activities or materials may, in fact, create enough of a homosexually-linked mental pathway in your brain, that you may quickly come to believe you are gay and you may quickly begin to crave those things again. Click HERE for the resource.

Because drug use behaves in an almost identical fashion in the brain, many people can become addicts the very first time they use. The same may very well be possible for one's first exposure to homosexually-produced sexual pleasure (whether with another person or with pornography). If you are able to experience sexual pleasure in a homosexual way, that fact may indeed have the power to instill in you the belief that you are, in fact, gay/lesbian/transgender. That is not true, however. Keep in mind that your body is designed to function in certain ways. When your body is stimulated in a certain way, it may very well react with a release of sexual energy, producing a sense of sexual pleasure; however, that does NOT mean that you yourself are a homosexual.

For example, a woman who is being raped may experience a release of sexual energy--merely because her body is reacting according to its designed biology. That doesn't mean she asked to be raped, enjoyed being raped, or benefited from being raped. Neither does it exonerate her rapist (although that excuse has been used by rapists to avoid conviction.)However, it can mean that she ends up feeling guilty for the rape--as if her biological response somehow means she wanted to get raped or liked getting raped. More on that HERE.

The same emotional and psychological responses are often present in cases where someone experiments with sex or is sexually assaulted by someone of their same gender. Only, in this case, it can make the victim believe that their sexual response is a clear indicator that they must be gay. But the mere experience sexual pleasure in a homosexual way is not enough to make you a homosexual or bi-sexual being. Anyone's body could operate that way merely because our bodies react to certain stimuli. Becoming a homosexual/bisexual/transgender person happens when you choose to make that your identity.

This choice may not happen all at once. It may feel like something you simply grew in to, but it is always coupled with a mistaken understanding of what "makes someone gay." It's not any one thing you do. And it's not what happens to you (in cases of sexual molestation or rape). And it's not even those feelings of sexual attraction that feel like they're coming from inside you. It's when those things become "who you are" to you.

I fully believe that a biologically natural person can experience periodic homosexual attraction without allowing him/herself to give those things too much attention, pursue them, engage in them, or identify with them. Now, I say this like it's easy. It certainly may be very difficult. And it may not be something that one can accomplish outside of the power of the Holy Spirit. However, it is possible, at least, according to many who have walked this path. More on that HERE.

Let me leave you with the following verses:

"Avoid sexual immorality! Every sin that a person can do is committed outside the body, except those who engage in sexual immorality commit sin against their own bodies" (I Corinthians 6:18).

"God’s will is that your lives are dedicated to him. This means that you stay away from sexual immorality and learn how to control your own body in a pure and respectable way. Don’t be controlled by your sexual urges like the Gentiles who don’t know God" (I Thessalonians 4:3-5). 

"Our weapons that we fight with aren’t human, but instead they are powered by God for the destruction of fortresses. They destroy arguments, and every defense that is raised up to oppose the knowledge of God. They capture every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (II Corinthians 10:4-5). 

"But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from everything we’ve done wrong" (I John 1:9). 
"I call heaven and earth as my witnesses against you right now: I have set life and death, blessing and curse before you. Now choose life—so that you and your descendants will live..." (Deuteronomy 30:19).