Thursday, August 01, 2019

Would A Loving God Send People to Hell?

Universalist philosophy is largely built on the idea that a good and loving God wouldn't send anyone to Hell. I agree. He wouldn't, and He doesn't. In fact, Jesus says Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). "Sending" people to Hell was never part of the plan, and still isn't. However, because we have free will, we certainly have the right to choose to go there.

Now, some might argue that no one would willingly and knowingly go to Hell. No one would be foolish enough to choose Hell over Heaven with Jesus. But though Jesus and the writers of Scripture do speak of a literal, post-death Hell (Matthew 25:31-46, Mark 9:43, II Thessalonians 1:8-10, Revelations 21:8, etc.), they also spoke of a possible hellish existence in this life (Matthew 5:22, 29-30, 10:28, 23:15, 43-45, James 3:6, etc.). Living in wickedness and sin and rejecting Christ and His way of love is hell.

Consider how people today live who are severely addicted to drugs or who involve themselves in sex-trafficking or who are exceedingly violent and greedy. Imagine the worst drug dens and sex rings. If you showed up and said, "Come with me. I can get you out of here. I can help you get clean and have a good and happy and pain-free life. Just leave all of this behind." How many of them would get up and accept your offer? I bet very, very few.

Jesus did exactly that--only He was God and even rose from the dead to prove it. How many people accepted His grace and forgiveness and healing? And how many people today are STILL rejecting Him and choosing their own hellish life? If they're doing it now, they'll do it after death, too. No second chance will help. And no one will end up in Hell who doesn't want to be there.

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