Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Watchmaker

Watch this video: The Watchmaker.

Our world is far more complex and amazing than we can imagine. But evolutionists insist that all of these complexities have evolved simply by chance and random selection. Could the watch on your arm come into existence through natural selection? What about something even simpler, like a coke can or a coin or a comb? When we look at these simple objects, don't we know by common sense that they must have had a creator? And, yet, we look at the eye or the banana or the chimpanzee and see chance. Such thinking makes no sense at all.

Consider the banana--it has a natural flip top--an easy open section at the top. It fits neatly into our hands--even with five natural ridges so that our fingers can grip it just right. It has an appealing color, grows in large bunches and is the perfect size to fit in your mouth--like a pre-wrapped treat. The banana also tastes quite good--either fresh or cooked and can be added to many other foods to create something delicious to eat--such as cereals, creams, pastries, tarts, breads, milkshakes, etc. It not only tastes great, it is quite healthy for you. It is a valuable source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Potassium, and it is good for digestive health. Obviously, the banana was created to be just right for us--perfect in every way. And this is only one of many examples of how perfectly God has created the universe to fit our needs.

"Ever since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—God’s eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, because they are understood through the things God has made. So humans are without excuse" (Romans 1:20).


Shanita Waters said...

Interesting. I can tell from your post that you are creative and enjoy writting. (I'm a regualr Sherlock Holmes, right? lol) I never noticed the ridges in the banana either. I think I'll have one for lunch and ponder over your post. Have a wonderfully blessed day.


S. E. Thomas said...

Thanks so much for commenting, Shanita. I certainly do enjoy writing! I hope you enjoy your banana today and thank the Lord for making it just right for you.
God bless,