There are three problems here: 1, I never said I could do such a thing, 2, I don't beleive I could ever do such a thing, and 3, that was never the purpose of my "spritual thought" entries or for anything else I've said on this blog.
As a Christian, I study and believe the Bible as the Word of God--His message to men (and women). So, here's how I back up my stance on this particular issue: The Bible states, "Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will perish." (Isaiah 29:14, NIV)
I Corinthians 1:18 through chapter 2 also has a lot to say about this concept--the idea that spiritual wisdom is from God, not from man. It is very clear to point out that what we consider to be a wise, eloquent or convincing arguements have absolutely no power unless the Spirit of God reveals Truth to the individual whose heart is seeking.
I Corinthians 2:10-11 states, "...The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of man except the spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God."
If there is something in what I write that touches you, speaks to your heart, makes you curious to learn more about God or, even, convicts you--PLEASE MAKE NO MISTAKE--It has absolutely nothing to do with me! I know this fully. That is God speaking to you, trying to get your attention. My words are fallible, God's spirit is not. My words are, of themselves, powerless, God's Spirit is all-powerful. My words, left on their own, are foolishness, but God's Spirit reveals wisdom.
So, what is my purpose for drumming up spiritual thoughts to chew on? My purpose is three-fold: 1, to obey God--to do what I believe He wants me to do as He told me through the Scriptures (spread the gospel of Christ-Matthew 28:18-20 & John 4:35), 2, use my writing for what I believe God's purpose was for giving me the talent and, 3, give you something to think about, wonder about & discuss. Since the Bible tells us that those who seek will find (Matthew 7:7-8), if I can help you to actually start seeking, God will lead you through the rest of the process.
So, can I covert you?
Absolutely not! Conversion is a change of heart. I can't change hearts, no matter how much I might wish I could sometimes. If there's any converting, changing, learning, gowing, etc. to be done, that's between you and God.
So, please don't assume that I expect to convert you or even change your mind on a particular issue just because I speak in a confident voice about what I believe. Be secure in the fact that I don't expect you to change your mind just because I told you to. If you read something here that softens your heart or opens your eyes to a new spiritual truth, please blame God for that, not me. Don't accuse me of such a thing; go take it up with Him.
I love your pithy and self-depricating (yet, honestly so) style. You are funny even when you are making a serious point.
This thought was really well laid out, and I don't feel I could add anything to it. Blessed be the Spirit of God that draws men unto Him, who opens eyes that they may see the Truth, and opens ears that they may hear His calling.
just 1 word
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