Furthermore, Republicans and Democrats have far more in common than we think. Both of us desire one thing: a better world for our children and grandchildren. The difference comes from our ideas about how to attain that goal, and, possibly, what that future will look like. In fact, I believe that we really need each other. Whenever the Democaratic party does something nasty, the Republican party is there to point it out and make sure it doesn't go un-checked, and vice versa. We balance each other. Without that balance, I believe we'd all be in a lot of trouble.
It's easy to get all riled up, though, when we believe the freedoms of our country, the safety of our children, or the moral atmosphere in which our children must grow up is at stake. Here's the key, and (not surprisingly) it can be found in the Bible. People are not the enemy. The enemy is brokeness: separation from God, the belief in lies instead of in the Truth, self-love.
Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
So, if you have ever felt judged by Christians because you are a Democrat, please let me offer you my deepest apology. Please forgive those silly Christians who think Jesus was a Republican.
Remember: Don't look at Christians, look at Christ.
I think that has to go vice-versa (silly Christians who think Jesus was a Democrat). I have received plenty of venom from the other side. It is popular here in Portland to say that Jesus was a liberal (He was for the time of His advent, but not as they want to imply {i.e. abortion, capital punishment issues}). I am sure the political culture of the land has something to do with it, seeing as how you are in Moscow, ID and I am in the Portland, OR area.
What I am most concerned with are the issues of social morality. The rights of the innocent must supersede those of the guilty/criminal. Cable TV in prison cells is just too much. How many murderer's victims can't afford cable? Yet, if you are at Hotel Oregon (the state pen), you get cable in your cell. Abortion must go. Infanticide is a horrible crime that has reached an unacceptable level of tolerance in our society (props to South Dakota for taking the lead on resolving this issue). Protection of the elderly from the risk of extermination from being unwanted is very crucial. That is where "death with dignity" has led the Dutch. I don't care what party you run with, or if you are an independent candidate, if you are the most in line with these values, I will vote for you. I have just never had the opportunity to vote for a Democrat because they are more frequently against these things. I wasn't old enough to vote for a local Democrat named Mae Yih when she ran to represent the Albany, OR area in the state legislature. Joseph Novak ran in the same area, and I would have voted for him, too. He is one of the most godly people I have known, and a community leader. There have been good people I have known to run on that ticket, but circumstances have put me out of the reach of voting for them.
I also believe in the American people's ability to do the most good when government gets out of the way. I'd have a lot more money to give to charity if the government quit taking it from my paycheck. It would go farther, too. It has been proven time and time again that non-profits are tremendously more effective with their funds than the government. I work with Social Security and I know this to be true.
To answer the original question, I don't think you have to be a Republican to be a Christian. I'm not really even a Republican anymore. In the words of the great Ronald Reagan, as he said when he left the Democratic party, "I didn't leave them, they left me." I'm an Independent now. Sadly, I find myself voting for what I consider the lesser of two evils anymore, which has been a Republican, without exception because of the abortion issue.
All this aside, one thing I do know: Scripture commands us to pray for our leaders, not bad mouth them. I get so sick of people claiming Christ saying "Bush is a scumbag/war criminal/Hitler" or "Lieberman is such a moron." If you are unhappy, then make sure you are at the ballot box in November and on your knees constantly. Talk issues and positions intelligently, don't throw insult bombs and take passings shots that have no base in reality. Just because I didn't like Bill Clinton or respect him doesn't mean that he was a complete moron. He had his failures, but he was president for 8 years and the country is still here. We aren't much light to the world when we are insulting people unnecessarily.
Just to be perfectly honest with all of you but all of this squabling about god is so silly. It is a common and umutable fact that the lord is a monkey! All of you should just give up the silly fight in your dilligent and self serving attempts at faith and worship. Truely is sickens me and I patiently await the next evolution in human history when everyone finally realized that worship in a higher being is nothing more than the inability to deal the fact that we are a cosmic accident. We are no more important than any other life, or galaxy that exist in the universe. Our species will finally be able to *grow up* and achieve wonderful things apon finally forfiting this endless pissing contest of "my gods better than your god" There is no god!! So there!
Dear Anonymous,
I see that you are frustrated about all the squabling that you see going on. You're right; there's far too much of it. I think, though, that much of the discussions you find so distasteful stem from honest, innner searchings and ponderings rather from a desire to compete. I don't know; maybe I'm being a little naive here, but, I have come across people who have some honest questions and who are looking for honest answers. Seeing as how there is no universally accepted proofs either for or against the existence of God, would you truly wish to deprive people of this search?
You said, "We are no more important than any other life, or galaxy that exist in the universe."
Though I disagree with your conclusions, I admire the fact that you recognize the foolishness of the self-important attitudes so many of us suffer from. I think that we might be able to agree that most (if not all) of the problems that exist in the world could be traced back to us--fallible human beings. So, let me ask you this: What is the answer to the brokeness of humanity? Is there one?
Susan, I really like this post. You've hit it right on.
Great post. I something on Pinterest that said Make No Mistake, The Republican Right Has Nothing to Do with the Teachings of Christ.
I'm tired of Republicans hijacking my religion and using it for their own power.
Thanks so much, Linddykal, for your comment! I, too, would prefer a little honesty in our political motives. Blessings!
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