This is my article published by Focus on the Family's Single Parent Edition in the September 2005 issue. (This is the orginal, un-editted version as I submitted it.)
I’d Like Some Peace, Please!
By Susan Thomas
January 22, 2005
I just wanted to spend a few minutes reading! But how could I? Every time I began, one of my children would come to me with a need. I was interrupted again and again to get drinks, pick Play Dough out of the carpet, turn on the computer, find a lost doll, or to scold for misbehavior. I think I read the same paragraph five times! Every time I sat back down I became more frustrated. I finally wanted to scream, “I just need to get away!”
I was single and had little income, so I wasn’t able to pay for a babysitter. But, thankfully, I had a friend who had once said, “Anytime you need to get some time to yourself, just let me know. I’ll watch your kids.” I picked up the phone and dialed her number with desperate, trembling fingers. Please be home!
“Hello? …Are you OK? …Yes, I’d be happy to! …Just drop them off. See you soon!”
FREEDOM! I impatiently herded my children to the car and grabbed my book.
“Mommy, I need to go potty!”
“Hold it! You can go when we get there!”
We were off! I ran a stop sign and an “iffy” yellow light on the way. Finally we were there, the kids were unloaded and I was on my way! Where was I going to go? It didn’t really matter. It was enough that I was alone. Should I watch a movie? No. Work out? No way! Maybe I would just go to my favorite coffee shop, indulge myself in a grande mocha and read my book in the study area. It would be peaceful there this time of day – with only an occasional hippy or senior citizen walking through.
Soon I was there and sitting in a large, comfy chair. I took a sip of the steaming liquid – almost too hot to taste, really, but it didn’t matter. I had time for it to cool off naturally – but it wouldn’t go cold! Not this time! I squelched an evil laugh. I opened my book and read that familiar paragraph again – but then I read the next one and the next!
I read for several minutes without interruptions, but then something strange started to happen. I began to find it hard to concentrate. Even though I had gone to all the trouble to get away and to find peace, I still felt all knotted up with anxiety and anger inside. Maybe I just needed to focus on relaxing. I took a deep breath and rubbed the back of my neck. Concentrate, I told myself. “… she gazed deeply into his luxurious, blue eyes,” I read. But again, after a few more paragraphs, I found my mind being rudely invaded by thoughts like, “There’s so much laundry to do”, or “I hope Gracie doesn’t wet her pants”, or “I better savor every moment of this, cause it’s not going to happen again in a long time!” But the more I tried to stave off the bothersome thoughts and suck every ounce of joy out of my break, the harder it was to actually enjoy it. I did manage to read several chapters and I did enjoy my mocha and the quiet. However, when I got back home with my children, within minutes I found myself just as frustrated as before – and now I had used up my free babysitter! The kids went to be early that night – again!
What’s wrong with me? I wondered hopelessly. Oh, No! Maybe feeling like this is chronic! Maybe I’ll be a tired and cranky mother forever! And I began to feel very sorry for my children. I felt like a failure as a mother and as a person. If I didn’t even know what was right for me, how could I know what was right for them? And I was all they had! Poor, poor children! Why did God curse them with a mother like me? And then I did something I hadn’t done all day. I prayed. God, I know you love them, but then why don’t they have a father? Why do they only have me? Why don’t I have the patience to handle this stage of my life? The angry questions tumbled out and tears flowed freely. I don’t know how long I prayed, but after a while I found that my questions and demands had somehow changed to requests and petitions. Lord, please help me be a better mother. Please give me the peace that you promise. Please give me the patience to deal with their needs and keep me from reacting in anger when I have to sacrifice for them. Please …just be there for me. I need You.
And suddenly the peace that had eluded me all day long was there! My soul – that had been empty and weak and shriveled with thirst – was suddenly full! And there was joy! The tears came again, but this time they were unthreatening and full of God’s comfort. God – the Creator of the heavens and the earth – had heard me! Maybe He had been trying to get my attention all day. Maybe He just wanted to show me that Peace can’t be ordered up at a coffee shop or found in a book or in quiet moments. Maybe He wanted to show me that true peace can only be found through conversations with Him – and that I didn’t have to get a babysitter or “get away” in order to reach Him. He had been there with me – through all the spills, the reeking diapers, and even when I had to fish that Lego out of the toilet. Why didn’t I just call on Him during every single episode instead of trying to shoulder it all by myself? Now I knew that He would be there for me – listening for my cry and offering to carry my load of frustration away. Even a husband couldn’t do that.
The next time I had the opportunity to “get away” I still jumped at the chance. But this time, after having allowed God to shoulder much of my frustration, I wasn’t quite so desperate and wound up. And, when I sat down with my steaming Chai tea and my magazine, I first said a little thank you to the Lord. I spent several minutes just praising Him and letting my soul be filled again with His presence and His peace. Then I sipped my tea, opened my magazine and enjoyed every single peaceful minute of it.
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