Friday, January 25, 2019

Response the the Argument: It is possible to be morally pro-life and politically pro-choice at the same time.

This post is a response the following article by Annie Reneau, entitled, "It Is Possible to be Morally Pro-Life and Politically Pro-Choice at the Same Time: Click Here.

1. The author starts with the premise that the belief that life begins at conception is a religious belief, not scientific fact. This is patently false. Here is an article outlining how life at conception is established scientific fact:

2. She then argues that one should be able to abort a child if that child has a disability, which she does not specify, but merely says that the child would have a "short, pain-filled life." If the parents love their child, as she claims, but the child's life is truly going to be short, why kill it--in a painful abortion--early? Do we do this for already-born children? If your one-year-old is diagnosed with spina bifida or cerebral palsy, should we then legalize chopping her to bits? And what moral right does one person have to determine the life value of another person? If I see you going through a terrible depression, should I then have the right to end your life to "spare you from pain and suffering?" Certainly not. Killing innocent human life is never justifiable for such reasons.

3. She says that women experiencing miscarriages or stillbirths are harmed because they are "forced to carry dead babies inside them" because of abortion restrictions. Again, a patently false statement. These kinds of medical procedures were happening prior to Roe v. Wade, they happen now (and are not called abortions, btw), and they will continue to happen after Roe V Wade is overturned.

4. She argues that the government "should not serve as judge and jury to a woman's decisions." Taking this argument to its logical conclusion would mean anarchy in its severest sense. Because morality itself is about our ideas of how human beings should behave in a fair and equal manner, ALL laws are based on morality. So if no one has the right to legislate the behavior of another person based on moral principles, then rape and murder and incest and theft and selling drugs and sex-trafficking and slavery and every other evil deed imaginable should be legal. Essentially, she is saying, "even if abortion is murder, it should be legal." Why?

5. Her last argument claims that making abortion illegal doesn't prevent abortions from happening and keeping it legal doesn't mean more abortions. Again, this is just another lie. Abortion has NOT been steadily declining since Roe v. Wade. Since then we have killed over 50 million babies, and this number is low because many chemical abortions are not counted and several states, such as California, are non-reporting.

6. She says that making abortion illegal will just push it underground and make it more dangerous. By that logic, all murder should be legal. Rape should be legal. Selling drugs and sex-trafficking should be legal. But these things are illegal--regardless of the fact that they keep happening--simply because they are blatant human rights violations. Abortion should be illegal because it is murder, not because making it illegal will make it stop. And murderers should not be able to practice murder "safely"!

So, is it possible to be morally pro-life but politically pro-choice at the same time? Only if you are in a state of logical contradiction or
are simply ignorant about what abortion is, what abortion laws are about, and what it means to be "pro-life." If you say, "Abortion is murder, but it should be legal," then you are not pro-life, you are pro-abortion. Just admit it.

"Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them." Romans 1:32

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