In today’s church, it is perplexing that just
as much immorality takes place within the church at large as compared to the
rest of the world. It would seem that
Christians shouldn’t struggle in the same way, since they have been “set
free.” Issues like sex outside of
marriage, pornography use, affairs, and abortion are some of the big ones, but
the fact of the matter is, sin is as much of a struggle for Christians as it is
for non-believers. The abuse of women—the abandonment and the
objectification—is the same.
Why does the “church” struggle with sexual
immorality and perversion as much as the rest of the world? Why are women just as likely to be hurt by
men within the church as outside of the church?
If the church is supposed to behave and look differently than the rest
of the world, what has gone wrong? Why
do Christian men abuse, mistreat, and use women for their own satisfaction at
the same rate as the non-Christ-follower?
It all goes back to the beginning—back to
Genesis. Back to God stirring up the dust and breathing ruach into it. Back to God
reaching into the man and taking out his DNA and forming another human who was
just like Adam and yet different.
We must take a look at our basic premise of
the value that God placed on men and women.
If believers in Jesus are taught that Genesis shows woman-kind as “less
than,” then mankind will treat women differently than they do men. They will
see women as a thing they can manipulate, use, consume, and throw away.
So, who was woman? Woman was called man’s ‘ezer k neged. The word ‘ezer is a word that means ‘a helper who
is capable, powerful, intelligent.’ It
is the same word that is used to describe God in the Old Testament when He came
to the aid of people in need. It denotes
great strength and power. And yet we
don’t assume that God became weaker or in some way less able than man when He
stepped in to “help”.
The word k
neged denotes an equal partner, a corresponding equal, and adequate helper. God did not give Adam a liability. He gave
Adam exactly what Adam needed, a co-equal partner, one who was on the same
level as he was, who would walk alongside him.
When our church leaders teach anything
different, they set women up to be taken advantage of. As soon as respect for
the equality of another human being is removed, it is easy to justify all of
the ways by which we leverage our superiority over one another. It is true that
physiologically, men are usually stronger and larger than women. Their body
strength gives them automatic advantage over women. It can be a very easy step
for men to abuse their strength to bully or force a woman to do what they
want. Men can (and have) used their
strength to capture women, to hold them in bondage, to torture them, and to
sell their bodies. Unfortunately, these terrible actions have even been
perpetrated by fathers against their daughters! The Bible itself shows us
situations where women were sold or “given in marriage” by their fathers.
Physiologically men and women are different.
They have different hormones, which causes a plethora of differences! Just because men are more prone to risk
taking, are more muscular and hairy, that doesn’t mean they are automatically
superior to women. What it does mean is that they need to use their power to
honor God and to show the true heart of our Lord by serving others, meeting the
needs of the weak, lifting up the oppressed, advocating for those who have no
voice. In God’s eyes that is true strength.
A quick study of the Bible shows time and
again that God’s heart is for the oppressed, for the downtrodden, for those who
have been pushed to the outside of his kingdom.
Proverbs 31:8-9 (ESV) says, “Open your mouth for the mute, for the
rights of all who are destitute. Open
your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Isaiah 1:17 reads, “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the
oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”
The church at large needs to get a grip on an
accurate teaching of the value of women, starting with Genesis.
There are many Christian men who are not
abusers, who would never use their strength to hurt a woman, and who love the
women in their life in a gentle and protective way. And yet some of those same men still have
deep-seated erroneous beliefs that women are inherently of less value and that
they are not seen equally by God. They may not ever vocalize those beliefs, but
these insidious belief systems are deeply rooted in the Christian psyche. Most
women experience it in subtle forms on a daily basis.
It can be seen when a woman is standing with
her husband, and another man walks up to introduce himself and make casual
conversation. Imagine how it feels to the woman to not have the new
acquaintance enquire after her line of work, or to ask what she enjoys doing in
her free time. Imagine what it is like
to stand there and smile benignly while being ignored. It can also be seen when a Christian man only
makes eye contact with a woman’s husband, but never makes solid eye contact
with the woman. It can occur when the
opinion of a man is asked in a meeting, but the woman is not given the same
It’s not enough for Christian men to talk
about women being co-equal partners. It’s not enough for well-meaning men to
sympathize and feel regret for how women are treated. Men must make room at the table. They must
invite spiritually gifted women to be on the church board, to be elders,
deacons, and pastors. Because the patriarchal
system is so entrenched, women need men who are not only willing to invite them
into leadership, but who are excited and willing to leverage their power
positions to see women using their God-given gifts for leading, teaching and
Note: There are many great books that can help
Christians coming from a patriarchal background to begin to break away from the
lies that Satan has used to keep the Church in bondage.
Why Not
Woman by Loren Cunningham and David Joel Hamilton
Feminist by Sarah Bessey
Who Said
Women Can’t Teach by Charles Trombley
Paul Really Said About Women by John Temple Bristow
Half the
Church by Caroline Custis James