The pro-life vs. pro-choice debate has churned on and on for decades now. Just the phrase "Roe vs. Wade" makes people on both sides of the issue wrankle, or at best, feel a dark weight on their shoulders. I've heard just about every argument for and against. Here are the basic ones outlined below:
Pro-Choice Arguments | Pro-Life Arguments |
A woman should have the right to choose what to do with her own body. | A pregnancy is not simply "part of the woman's body". It is a new life of a new individual and, therefore, the woman should not legally have life and death power over it. |
No one can prove at what stage an embryo or fetus becomes a viable, human life. | Every human life should be protected, even in its earliest stages. At conception we have the inalienable rights that any other human being has. (In this country those are clearly defined as: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.) Furthermore, a baby's heart starts beating at 18 days (when the mother is only four days late for her first menstrual period), and by 21 days it is pumping, through a closed circulatory system, blood whose type may be different from that of the mother. (Click HERE for more information about the developing unborn baby.) |
In cases of incest and rape, a woman should be seen as the victim and should be given extra rights over any pregnancy that may have resulted. | While rape can be a horrible experience, so is abortion. A rape victim can find great healing through either providing a child to a couple who cannot have their own or by learning to love and raise the child herself. In this way, beauty can come from ashes. Abortion, on the other hand, will not solve the problems of a rape victim. It will be only one more traumatic experience for her to deal with. Most cases of incest—particularly those that result in pregnancy—are those where a father, older brother or uncle impregnates a young girl in his family. This is often a result of on-going sexual abuse. By allowing abortion in these cases, the victim of the crime is not being protected—only the criminal. An abortion will simply allow the abuse to continue. A pregnancy and delivery will force the truth into the open, force the laws of the country to take notice, punish the culprit and liberate the victim. |
In cases where the mother's life might be threatened, she should have the right to choose between her life and the life of the baby/fetus. | As difficult as this situation is, one person should not have the legal right to choose his or her life over the life of another. (The laws about self-defense are specifically about cases where the attacker has an intent to inflict life-threatening harm. Of course, an unborn baby has no such intent.) Furthermore, medical science is advancing rapidly and what might seem like a hopeless situation one month, might be a solved the next. There have also been many cases where the perceived danger to the mother ended up being much less than originally diagnosed. |
In cases where the baby/fetus is believed to be unhealthy, the woman should have the right to decide whether or not she wants to or is able to care for a possibly handicapped child. | The right to life of the individual does not diminish based on their health, either physical or mental. One person should not have the right to determine another's value. Such power is arbitrary and easily abused. (In China males are valued more than females and since they are only allowed one child by law, vast numbers of female babies are aborted every day.) We are each "created equal". |
If abortions are legalized, there will be fewer illegal botched abortion attempts that will result in more deaths of women of childbearing age. | Since abortion has become legalized, many, many women have died on the doctor's table (often going unreported). Abortion is in no way a safe procedure for any woman. Moreover, at least one death occurs from every one performed—that of the child. Therefore, the actual fatality rate has skyrocketed since abortions have been legalized, not decreased. Furthermore, the cultural atmosphere has changed to such an extent crisis pregnancies are being handled much more lovingly and there are many, many resources available. |
If abortions are made to be illegal, there will more people trying to raise children they don't want and don't love. | This idea cannot be proven. This idea is based in the fear that a woman might not be able to love her own child. There are some extreme cases where this might happen; however, most people naturally grow to love their unexpected children and this love quickly becomes fierce and protective. It simply takes a little time to get to know one another. Furthermore, for the woman who is certain she is unwilling or unable to raise a child, there are many good, kind people waiting to adopt. |
My intent is not to get into a heated political debate. My intent is not to cause guilt or pain or anger. I simply want to ask you to do something: As you glance over those many arguments, which ones are based on love and which ones are based on fear? You see, it is my belief that it is fear that drives so many women to give up their babies—the fear that they aren't old enough, wise enough or wealthy enough to care for a child, the fear that others will disapprove of them and relationships will be strained or broken, the fear that they simply won't be a good mom, the fear that the experience of delivery will be too painful and, yes, frightening for them to face and the fear of going through this experience alone. Fear after fear arises—even in the best of situations for a new mom—but the unexpected pregnancy brings its own variety of hopelessness and desperation. I know what I'm talking about, my friends, as I have gone through a crisis pregnancy myself. It is absolutely terrifying.
The abortion industry and organizations like Planned Parenthood thrive on the fear of young women. They are not interested in your wellbeing or your mental health or, surprisingly, even your physical health. They are interested in your money, and that alone. Don't be fooled. They do not care about women one iota. It is a business. They are not in the business of protecting women; they are in the business of making money. So, when it comes to pro-choice, the fact is, they don't want you to have a real choice at all, despite all of their propaganda. They want you to feel as if your only choice is to have an abortion. They want you to believe that abortion is the safest, wisest and most logical route, and they don't want you to learn about the amazing development of the unborn child, or about the many resources that are available to you. They want you to feel trapped, isolated and frightened by the prospects of bringing a new life into the world. But most of all, they don't want you to come to love that little, precious life growing inside of you.